
The Howard County Jewish Advocacy Group (HoCoJAG) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the Howard County Jewish Community and combating antisemitism via direct political action.

HoCoJAG was formed in response to the explosion of antisemitism in our community after October 7th 2023. This included introduction of a county resolution that would have de-legitimized Israel by calling for a unilateral ceasefire without recognizing Israel’s right to defend herself or even acknowledging Hamas’s murderous incursion, a highly organized and hostile rally backing the resolution the night of the resolution vote, a proliferation of anti-Israel rallies at county high schools during school hours, as well as a spike in reports of antisemitic incidents occurring in our schools and greater community.

HoCoJAG is organized as a 501(c)(4) organization to serve as a complement to existing Jewish advocacy organization, most of which are 501(c)(3)s and therefore unable to engage in direct political action such as endorsing or opposing candidates. HoCoJAG asks candidates to take public positions against antisemitism in all its forms (including most anti-Zionism), shares those positions, and then endorses candidates and publishes election guides.

HoCoJAG monitors legislation related to antisemitism in Howard County and Maryland and provides easy ways for members to take action.

HoCoJAG partners with other groups that stand against bigotry and hatred.

If you’re a HoCo resident concerned about antisemitism, please:

HoCoJAG is not for profit but as a 501(c)(4), which can engage in political action, donations are not tax-deductible. If you’d like to support us, please: