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2024 Elections

Howard County
Not sure which Council/BoE district you are in? check here.

1Andre GaoResponse
1Meg RicksNo Response
2Larry DoyleResponse
2Antonia WattsNo Response
3Jolene MosleyNo Response
4Julie KaplanResponse
4Jen MalloNo Response
5Andrea ChambleeResponse
5Trent KittlemanResponse
Board of Education

Maryland State – No 2024 races (check my legislative district here)

US House of Representatives District 3
Note: all of HoCo is in Congressional District 3

Sarah ElfrethD
Robert J. SteinbergerR
United States House of Representatives – District 3

US Senate

Angela AlsobrooksDResponse
Larry Hogan RResponse
United States Senate Candidates – Maryland

Endorsement Methodology

  • HoCoJAG is laser-focused on one issue: antisemitism in all its forms.
  • HoCoJAG is non-partisan, as antisemitism is a universal issue that must be defeated by allies across the political spectrum.
  • HoCoJAG makes the decision to endorse or not endorse based exclusively on candidates’ survey responses, previous legislative records, public statements, and conversations with the candidates regarding one issue: antisemitism in all its forms.
  • HoCoJAG will continue the conversation about antisemitism with ALL candidates, and will endorse and support ALL candidates who share our mission of fighting antisemitism.


Liz Walsh – HoCo Council D1
Why: anti-Israel rhetoric and legislation sign recall petition