Join! Please join HoCoJAG! Our political strength depends on our numbers. We need to be able to tell politicians: "There are X members of HoCoJAG in your district who are registered voters and want to hear you publicly commit to fighting antisemitism." By joining, you lend your strength to the Jewish community and to combating hatred. We will not share your personally identifiable information. We may periodically alert you to important local issues related to antisemitism and ask for your help combating them. Don't worry, we don't like SPAM either and do our best not to SPAM our members. Your name Your email Howard County Resident YesNo Registered to Vote YesNo If you're not comfortable sharing your address, please enter your county council and legislative districts (you can find them here); we need this to be able to tell candidates and elected officials how many of their constituents oppose antisemitism and vote! Your address Your city Your zip code 20701207232075920763207772079420833210292103621041210422104321044210452104621075210982110421150211632172321737217382176521771217842179421797Not in HoCo Council District State Legislative District 91213Not in HoCo How you heard about us Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.